Monday, September 19, 2016

Day 5

Most of us did everything as we usually did everyday, woke up at 7am, breakfast at 7.30, wash face, etc. We had class straight after at 8.30 am. Ms Chen gave us an unscheduled lesson on the “Golden Rule” which was a translation sentence pattern. We sang the song “Sorry my Chinese is bad”. Then we had a competition between the teams on the best oral presentation of our best diary entry, critiqued by Ms Lin. Felix and Ash got first place for their respective teams. The first prizes they received were fans with the schools name on it (in Chinese) and a Chinese drawing. Everyone else received a Chinese knot for participation. We had lunch at 12pm, which was straight after classes. For lunch we had rice, fried Bok Choy and fried chicken, which everyone wanted the most, as it tasted like KFC. At 2pm we had calligraphy class, which was in the room exactly below our drawing class, before the class even started we had a problem, no ink. We had to then get the ink from the class above us. Then our calligraphy teacher, Mr. Li, showed us how to draw the basic strokes and how to hold our brushes. We started drawing after we received our ink. We also received a sheet filled with Chinese characters, we all thought it was our practice sheet and we were going to draw our calligraphy on a white piece of paper; but we could not be more mistaken, the “practice” sheets were actually the final copies. Later that night, at 6.30 we had a Kung Fu class, same teachers as the last session, and this was our final session. Almost no one was looking forward to this class. We learnt new Kung Fu patterns and had a competition between the two teams. Random people kept coming into the class and interrupting, with the most notable interruption of two random people “dabbing” and us “dabbing” back. Team A (Alana’s group) won, but thinking we lost due to the extremely late response from the teachers, did 10 pushups anyway (agreed upon by both teams prior to the competition), we all ended up doing ten pushups as a result of this, with a single person attempting to do more “for fun”. Despite not looking forward to the class, it was very fun, and we all ended up enjoying it. We finished class at 8pm and went to sleep at 10pm.

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